Due to the coronavirus crisis all the media are inundated with daily information about it. Despite the recommendations of the experts, which indicate that it is not advisable to overload on information about the crisis, ideally to do it once a day and then dedicate our activity to other needs. Today we wanted to provide a good idea and recommendation to know truthful and proven information.
Today, due to the large amount of information that exists regarding the coronavirus and that the government aids that have been offered, both national and municipal, have been staggered in time during this state of alarm. We want to recommend you a website where you can find a “Guide to aid for the Coronavirus” for measures of a general nature. https://www.savethechildren.es/actualidad/guia-ayudas-coronavirus
We found it meritorious for an NGO like Save the Children to be the website that, in our opinion, best brings together all economic and social measures to reduce the impact of the crisis. Using plain language, it has classified all measures into eight areas: Housing and Household Supplies, Employment, Economic Matters, Family Scope, Tax Measures, Gender Violence, Judicial Procedures and Prison Measures.
Another element that we think is important, since this situation has evolved over time and what was published in the early days of the crisis is no longer valid, is that the guide updates it with each new package of measures that is published and clearly indicates the last update date.
And if any bad point, we would have to say that it is only available in Spanish, although that, thanks to all the translators that we have at our disposal today, is already a minor problem.