As you surely already know from the constant news in Europe regarding the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, and in view of the high rate of infected in Spain, our Government has decreed a state of alarm to stop the spread of #coronavirus. In view of this, one of the exceptional measures that have been adopted is the closure of the borders as of March 17.
In the following article we want to explain a little more about this situation and how it can affect you.
First of all, what is a border closure?
In this case, it will be the authorities and security forces who control the land borders, as to who can enter Spain. This measure applies directly to people crossing from France, Portugal, the United Kingdom -Gibraltar- and Andorra. In the first three cases, the measure supposes the suspension of the Schengen agreement under article 28 of said document, a caveat that is only allowed in extremely serious cases such as this.
With the application of this measure, who can enter in to Spain?
The first implication of border closure is the cancellation of free movement within the territory of the European Union. This measure does not apply to the transport of goods, with the aim of ensuring the distribution of basic necessities.
Therefore, access is authorized in the following cases:
- Spanish citizens
- Residents in Spain
- Accredited foreign personnel from embassies, consulates and international organizations as long as these institutions are based in Spain and the movement is made in order to carry out their official duties
- Cross-border workers
- Anyone who proves causes of major force or a situation of need
What happens to air transport?
At this time, no exceptional measure has been enacted to limit traffic between air borders, although it is likely that the ban on entry into Union territory for all non-EU travelers who are not long-term residents of any of the member countries. In this case, the air borders between Schengen countries would not be affected.
How should I act if I have symptoms of coronavirus or any health problem in Spain in this period of time?
The first recommendation of the Spanish health authorities in this case, is to go to hospitals or health centers. You must call the emergency phone number and a health team will come to you as soon as possible.
As you know, European citizens who have residence in Spain have the right to receive public health care. The Health Insurance Card, which must be obtained in order to benefit from these services, is an individual and personalized document that certifies the right of a person to receive public medical care. Each family member must have their own card.
In the case of temporary residents in Spain, they must have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Cardholders receive the same medical care as anyone else in the country of residence.
If you want to expand the information on health coverage in Spain you can do so by clicking on the following link: